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in rays of the light游戏(晨曦的英文翻译)

发布时间:2023-04-29 22:13:14作者:小编酱


first rays of the morning
sun light at dawn


Devils Never Cry You can steal a soul For a second chance 你可以偷窃一个灵魂得到第二次机会 But you are never become a man 但是你永远无法成就大业 My chosen torture has me stronger 我选择上帝让我所受的酷刑能使我坚强 In life that craves the hunger 然而活著就会对生存有所渴望 A and a quest for life 我的生命为追寻向往的自由 Until the end the judgment night 直到审判之夜降临才是最终尽头 Bless me with your gift of light 祝福我能与你赋予的光芒同在 Righteous cause on judgment night 在审判之夜正义将得以伸张 Feel the sorrow 感到哀痛 The night has swallowed 夜晚已经被吞噬 Feel the like no tomorrow 我想明天不再有任何的自由 Stepping forth the cure For soul's demise 为了治愈死亡的灵魂而勇往直前吧 Reap the tears of the victims cry 拾起牺牲者的泪水 Yearning more to hear the suffer 我听到更多的哀嚎 Of a demon as I put it under 让我臣服在恶魔之下吧 Killed before, time to kill then all 被杀死之前,必须先将它们消灭 Passed down a righteous law 通过公正的判决 Serve a justice that dwells in me. 这世界的正义由我主宰 Lifeless corpse as far as the eye can see. 眼遍所及皆是满山遍野的死尸 The eye can see.(*3) 用双眼仔细的看著(*3) [Melody] Bless me with the Leaf off of the tree 祝福我,即使树上的叶子落尽 On it I’ll see The rain 但在树叶之上我可以看见 自由的雨滴 We are falling The night is calling, 我们正在陷落 夜晚正在呼喊 Tears in-side me Calm me down 我的心流下眼泪 使我沉淀下来 Midnight calling Mist of resolving 黑暗正在呼喊 弥漫的云雾渐渐散开 Crown me, with the Pure green leaf 为我加冕纯净的桂冠 Praise to my father Bless by the water 将光荣献给我父 让圣水为我祝福 Black night, dark sky The devils cry 漆黑的夜晚,灰暗的天际 恶魔流下了眼泪 (*2) [Outro verse] Life of vengeance a passive test 只为复仇的人生,徒显消极无趣 Until the grave I shall rest 直到死亡才得以休息 Engage the pressure till it crumbles 在敌人毁灭之前我将继续战斗下去 The existence of the lifeless black souls 所以黑暗的灵魂存在著 Onward to the sacred battlefield 朝向神圣的战场迈进 Where justification and they conquer 在那里无罪的判决将公诸於世 Weed out the killing of victims stalker 狂怒而冰冷的武器被它们用来战争 将会被受害之人诛之 The power’s proven to end the madness 我的力量应该用来终结这疯狂的一切 Upon I take it to end the savage 我将终结这野蛮的行径 The rays of light s truth to meaning 太阳的光芒,即便是真谛 To my father my blood is pleading 以我的鲜血为我父作辩护 A justice rage for all to feel 我那傲视一切的正义 With innocent cries and hatred squeals 是由无瑕的泪水与愤怒的呐喊所编织而成 The gore of evil seems to satisfy 就在受伤之际 When slayed. Maimed and pacified 恶魔流出的血似乎是为了补偿 My chosen torture has me stronger 我选择上帝让我所受的酷刑能使我坚强 In life that craves the hunger 然而活著就会对生存有所渴望 A and a quest for life 我的生命为追寻向往的自由 Until the end the judgment night 直到审判之夜降临才是最终尽头 Watch the footsteps but never follow 看著前人遗留的足迹,不要重蹈覆辙 If you want to live tomorrow 如果你还想存活下去 You can steel a soul for a second chance 你可以偷窃一个灵魂得到第二次机会 But you are never become a man 但是你永远无法成就大业


The story is end. but i have an English version from the internet . it looks so strange.i thought there're some problems with it , but i can't tell . please help me!!!! thanks a bunch!!!!  The dramatis personae of this story was a boy in a gutter of San Francisco .Becuase of cacotrophia,he got sick with his leg.He couldn't stand with his leg straight.And his calf was even worse shrink.but in his little soul, he got a dream only be belived by himself-he would become an all-powerful player ofAmerican Football.  he was a fan of Jim brown ,a good football player.when jim's team ,Browns was in match with 49's of San-Francisco ,he always went to the court to cheer his god.  but because he was too pool to buy a ticket for the match ,so he had to wait to the almost end of the match .At this time , he could get in through the gate the missionary had open.  at his age of 13,he got a face-to-face chance to meet his god in an ice-cream shop.that is after a match between 49's and Browns.he has been hoping for this time for a long long time .he went to his god in good taste ,then said loudly:"Mr.Brown, I'm your loyalest fan !"  jim brown saidthank you with pleased .then this boy said :"mr.brown , did you know a thing?"  jim turned round and said :"boy, what thing?"  the boy said coolly:"i remember all the recorded that you created,all the embattle that you did. "  jim brown laugh and said:"that's not easy."  at this moment , the boy throwed a chest,there're some rays of light in his eyes.then he said with full confidence:"mr.brown ,i will break every recorded you've created someday."  the good football player listened all his words and said with a smile:"what a manner of speaking! what's your name,kid?"  the boy said great:"mr brown , i'm o j."  since this talking ,o j really did as what he said-he broke every recorded jim brown had created,and created even more recorded





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