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发布时间:2023-08-15 00:41:12作者:cxkdie


排比是一种修辞方法,把三个或三个以上的句式相同、结构相同或相似、语气一致的句子或短语接连说出来,就叫排比。 例如“时间就是生命,时间就是速度,时间就是力量。”

英语翻译心灵—— 心灵是一方广袤的天空,它包容着世间的一切;心灵是一片宁静的湖水,偶尔也会泛起阵阵涟漪;心灵是一块皑皑的雪原,它辉映出一个缤纷的世界.痛苦—— 痛苦是黑暗中的

汗. 那么多.
Mind --
Mind is a vast sky, containing all of it, Mind is quiet lakes, occasionally the ripples, Mind is a piece of stone, it is the high snows a colorful world.
Pain --
Pain is the darkness, advance journey is full of frustrations, Pain is no understanding of sorrow, helpless facing all setbacks, Pain is the deepest heart, no tears and not truth, Pain is born not of expression, is the devil troubles.
Stupid --
It is a kind of natural helpless, is a kind of laziness, is one of the consequences of his next, is a good fruit of the moth.
Lies --
The heart is a moth lie the hearts of the men of, will have some cavities, Lying is a deep mire, let a person in one cannot extricate oneself, The black hole is an endless lie, let a person falling crime abyss perdition.
Sinister --
Sinister, is a Wolf in sheep's clothing, the sunless plot, Sinister is good friend of jealousy; public, Sinister is a heart of an iceberg, let a person feel is clear through the cold.
Selfish --
Selfishness is a mirror, mirror to see yourself; only forever, Selfishness is a piece of cloth, and cover their eyes to see others pain, Selfishness is a layer of glass, transparent, but always look for each separate.
1 love: love is a shining on the winter sun PinBingJiaoPai, make the person feel the warmth of earth, Love is neither appear in the desert, the spring of people to see cornered on hopes of life, Love is a floating in the sky, make songs in people without spoiling the consolation.
2: the beauty, is still move is flowing beauty. Line is fluent, curve is euphemistic beauty. Noisy city is busy, quiet village is elegant beauty. Life is beauty, as long as you have a pair of beautiful eyes, found a beautiful heart feeling.
3: the accumulation BuJiKuiBu cloud: "no, no, that li product flow, without into rivers." All YuShiZhe excluded name, starting from small, pay attention to the accumulation of dribs and drabs, consciously cultivate their moral character, ability of self-improvement. If no daily WenJiQiWu unremitting persistence, so how can zu ti northern and central go! If no BiZouLongShe years of effort, water ink stain as wang xizhi how usual gaishi revered holy books? If no half study calculus draft surplus baskets, then how can ChenJingRun conscripted untrimmed pearl is world famous?







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