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ground order(must have 后面应该怎么用没有说清楚。感觉有什么用了BEEN 有时候用了过去式。可以讲解一下吗)

发布时间:2023-06-15 12:08:49作者:小编酱

must have 后面应该怎么用没有说清楚。感觉有什么用了BEEN 有时候用了过去式。可以讲解一下吗

must have 后面应该怎么用没有说清楚。感觉有什么用了BEEN 有时候用了过去式。可以讲解一下吗




carrots[英]['kærəts] [美]['kærəts]
n.胡萝卜( carrot的名词复数 );(为说服人做事所许诺的)酬报;不能兑现的报酬(或甜头);诱饵(像在驴的鼻尖下挂着的胡萝卜)
以下结果由 金山词霸 提供
柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义
1.N-VAR胡萝卜Carrots are long,thin,orange-coloured vegetables.They grow under the ground,and have green shoots above the ground.
2.N-COUNTSee also:carrot and stick;(为鼓励别人做某事而提供的)好处,甜头(同一个句子里用以表示劝阻别人不要做某事的东西叫做stick)Something that is offered to people in order to persuade them to do something can be referred to as a carrot.Something that is meant to persuade people not to do something can be referred to in the same sentence as a 'stick'.
They will be set targets,with a carrot of extra cash and pay if they achieve them...


棒垒球 Baseball and softball


baseball 棒球

base on balls 四球安全上垒

baseball field, baseball ground 棒球场

bat 球棒

batting order 击球次序

batting, hitting 击球

base running 跑垒

softball 垒球

softball field, softball ground 垒球场

infield, diamond 内场

outfield 外场

fair territory 界内地区

foul territory 界外地区

base line 垒间线

base 垒

bag 垒垫, 垒包

home base 本垒

first base 一垒

second base 二垒

third base 三垒

home plate 本垒板

pitcher's plate 投手板

pitcher's mound (棒球)投手土墩

pitcher's circle (垒球)投手圈

batter's box 击球员区

bench 队员席

glove 手套, 分指手套

mask 护面

helmet 护帽

pitcher 投手

catcher 接手

fielder 守场员

baseman 守垒员

infielder 内场手

first baseman 一垒手

second baseman 二垒手

third baseman 三垒手



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